Detecting Primordial Stochastic Gravitational Waves with Reduced Astrophysical Foregrounds Z Pan, H Yang, arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.04529 (2023)
Formation rate of extreme mass ratio inspirals in active galactic nuclei Z Pan, H Yang Physical Review D 103 (10), 103018 (2022)
Probing crust meltdown in inspiraling binary neutron stars Z Pan, Z Lyu, B Bonga, N Ortiz, H Yang Physical Review Letters 125 (20), 201102 (2021)
First detection of the acoustic oscillation phase shift expected from the cosmic neutrino background B Follin, L Knox, M Millea, Z Pan Physical Review Letters 115 (9), 091301 (2015)
Dependence of the cosmic microwave background lensing power spectrum on the matter density Z Pan, L Knox, M White Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445 (3), 2941-2945 (2015)