顾一舟/ 交通大学光谱望远镜团队助理研究员
guyizhou AT sjtu.edu.cn
2020, 南京师范大学 , 博士
2015, 南京师范大学 , 学士
2024-至今, 上海交通大学李政道研究所, 助理研究员
2020-2024, 上海交通大学, 博士后
Yizhou Gu, Xiaohu Yang, Jiaxin Han, et al. “CSST Large-Scale Structure Analysis Pipeline: I. Constructing Reference Mock Galaxy Redshift Surveys”, MNRAS, 2024, 529, 4015
ChiChun Zhou, Yizhou Gu, Guanwen Fang, and Zesen Lin. “Automatic Morphological Classification of Galaxies: Convolutional Autoencoder and Bagging-based Multiclustering Model”. Astronomical Journal, 2022, 163:86.
Yizhou Gu, Guanwen Fang, Qirong Yuan, et al. “The Effect of Environment on Star Formation Activity and Morphology at 0.5 < z < 2.5 in CANDELS”. The Astrophysical Journal, 2021, 921(1): 60.
Yizhou Gu, Guanwen Fang, Qirong Yuan, Zhenyi Cai, Tao Wang ; The Morphological Evolution, AGN Fractions, Dust Content, Environments, and Downsizing of Massive Green Valley Galaxies at 0.5 < z < 2.5 in 3D-HST/CANDELS, The Astrophysical Journal, 2018, 855(1): 10-25