R. Kitano, M. A. Luty and Y. Nakai, “Partially Composite Higgs in Supersymmetry”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1208, 111, (2012)
Y. Nakai, M. Reece and R. Sato, “SUSY Higgs Mass and Collider Signals with a Hidden Valley”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1603, 143, (2016)
H. Georgi and Y. Nakai, “Diphoton Resonance from a New Strong Force”, Physical Review D 94, 075005, (2016)
Y. Nakai and M. Reece, “Electric Dipole Moments in Natural Supersymmetry”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1708, 031, (2017
C. Cesarotti, Q. Lu, Y. Nakai, A. Parikh and M. Reece, “Interpreting the Electron EDM Constraint”, Journal of High Energy Physics 1905, 059, (2019)
M. Farina, Y. Nakai and D. Shih, “Searching for New Physics with Deep Autoencoders”, Physical Review D 101, 075021, (2020)
K. Fujikura, Y. Nakai, M. Yamada, “A more attractive scheme for radion stabilization and supercooled phase transition”, Journal of High Energy Physics 02 (2020) 111
Y. Nakai, M. Suzuki, F. Takahashi, M. Yamada, “Gravitational Waves and Dark Radiation from Dark Phase Transition: Connecting NANOGrav Pulsar Timing Data and Hubble Tension”, Physics Letters B 816 (2021) 136238.
Y. Nakai, M. Suzuki, “Axion Quality from Superconformal Dynamics”, Physics Letters B 816 (2021) 136239
K. Fujikura, S. Girmohanta, Y. Nakai, M. Suzuki, “NANOGrav signal from a dark conformal phase transition”, Physics Letters B 846 (2023) 138203
Y. Nakai, M. Reece, “The implications of a precise electron measurement”, Nov. 14, 2018. https://physicstoday.scitation.org/do/10.1063/PT.6.3.20181114a/full/